

January 21, 2022


Have you ever speculated why we’re hearing so much about IT outsourcing lately? This is because, in the part big companies have been able to manage all of their IT needs on their own. On the other hand, as technology has evolved and become more complicated, it is practically unviable for a business to manage everything on its own.

In addition, the IT market is more global nowadays. A few applications developed in Europe can be used primarily in the US which forced companies to serve their customers not just locally but on a global basis too.

This is where outsourcing comes into the picture. Outsourcing allows you to emphasis on your main capabilities while leaving other activities to third parties so you can sustain the competitive edge you need in today’s market.

Outsourcing has grown in recent decades. In fact, its global market is expected to reach $ 10 trillion by 2022. Over time, it has proven to be of great help to businesses. One of the main reasons why most companies prefer outsourcing services is because of their cost effectiveness.

As one of the fastest growing industries in the world, constant innovation and revolution is conventional. Every year new trends emerge, such as a software update or a newly released technology.

And as a business owner, you need to keep up with all new trends in outsourcing in order to maximize your resources. The outsourcing trends in 2021 may have been valuable and advancing, but 2022 is not different.

Now is the time to answer the main question: what are the IT outsourcing trends in 2022? Without more ado, let’s dive into the predictions.

Complete execution of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


Some BPO companies began to take over RPA last year. It’s designed to streamline workflow and make businesses more approachable, flexible, and lucrative.

RPA is a form of business process automation that permits anyone to give instructions to the robot to do the task. It makes a recording and saves tasks done by humans on their computers, then implements the tasks on its own.

This 2022, several outsourcing companies would implement RPA and would completely execute it. Its technology could convalesce the operations of outsourcing by improving recurring tasks and permitting employees to concentrate on more difficult challenges. Companies will want to outsource to more innovative and productive companies.

Boosted concentration on security


As technology progresses, new threats emerge. Cyber security attacks have gotten worse since the pandemic began. Cybercrime has increased by up to 600% since the COVID19 outbreak. For this reason, protecting data and other information is becoming increasingly important.

This 2022, cybersecurity would be a top priority when outsourcing. BPO companies would implement a multi-level approach for security concerns in order to eliminate risk and protect corporate data. This means having a sense of urgency about security and having the resources to meet the growing demands of cybersecurity. Organizations need an outsourcing partner who can guarantee protection and provide adequate security services.

Increase of remote work


Ever since the pandemic began, many companies have sought remote work. Working from home used to be an alternative or option. But, after the COVID19 outbreak, it has become a necessity for most of the people.

As we enter the new normal life, remote work continues to expand into more sectors. As cost reduction continues to be a priority, most organizations, including BPOs, remain vulnerable to this configuration. In addition, due to health protocols, there are also workstations that do not have enough space for all employees.

Providentially, outsourcing is not new to this idea. Most of the services offered could even be carried out at remote workstations.

Capability of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)


As users demand great user experience, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are becoming more and more popular. Combine web and mobile applications. Medium defined it as a combination of regular websites and a mobile app.

Today most of the companies prefer this as it is much more convenient for their customers. Eliminates the hassle of downloading and installing the app on the customer’s device.

And since one of the utmost valuable benefits of outsourcing is the ability to deliver efficient services, considering PWAs would be of great help. It would be an invention in software development services because it includes web development.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is an outsourcing advancement that would drive efficiency, provide control and decrease costs.

AI is beneficial for customer service. Helps you deal with large amounts of data and reduces the average processing time. This means that there is a need to provide a better customer experience.

Also, using AI would give customer service reps time to focus on more difficult issues and personal support.

As you can see, 2022 will be an exciting year full of new opportunities for both businesses and outsourcing providers. Even more businesses will be looking for outsourcing providers who can help them with AI, cloud computing, blockchain development or cybersecurity.

If you are looking for a professional outsourcing partner who can help you with any of the above services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are a specialist IT Outsourcing provider that has been working in this industry for 10+ years and will be happy to answer any questions you have about how our developers and engineers can help you transform your business!